Fitting the main board
Fitting all the wires into the housing

Even the simplest things take an evening!
Had to trim off about 100mm of cables from all the connections of the Netduino to get it to fit into the housing, a job worth taking time over as with one day to go I don't want to cross any wires and end up with damage!
It is also worth getting these connections good as a flaky connection could cause no end of trouble over the two days of Makerfaire.
I honestly thought I was going to end up having to show the project "open boxed" so people could see the workings "on purpose" haha. It might yet come to that if things go wrong... but thankfully everything seems to have fitted snugly inside.
I'm experiencing two problems still, I'm certain its my old interference friends again. Depending on how the wires are squished inside, I can bad sensor reads and/or the LED matrix display on scanner goes awry.
I'm just going to have to fiddle until I hit a position where it I'm not picking any up. I might sneak another inductor onto the 5V line that drives the LED matrix if I get a chance before the show..