More jiffy bags to open in the post
It has become obvious that I need to detect when the platform is closed or open, so microswitches are good for that. Ordered two types as I don’t know if the mounting is going to be on top or not.
Also been struggling with the serial on the Pi then realised that I could simply put a USB to serial adapter in the Pi. In some ways I don’t understand why I didn’t see that way of doing it before, then on the other hand I’m used to working with microprocessors not single board computers, so it normally wouldn’t be an option.
The USB to Serial is very neat as you can see in the photo.
I also ordered the dot matrix style display. I don’t like monitors on my projects unless there is no choice, so i was thinking that for the twitter integration I could use the dot matrix to tell people to tweet for a sticker, and perhaps say things like take a sticker.