More LED illumination
Making the inside visible to the curious, LED illumination

LED lighting inside unit that will switch on in response to all holes being punched. This will give visitors a second chance to use a card and do some punching, they can then see the “workings” inside. This will also let the very young visitors do some punching of paper and then getting a response but without having to understand what they are doing. Consequently it adds another level of comprehension/interaction to the project.
Have three transistors involved now, two for each coil led strip and one for the internal illumination. The coils pull .6A and the internal approximately 200mA. Appropriate transistors have to be used for each. I'm not using a FET for the coils as this is well within the rating of the BC548 low power transistor (1A).
I might if I get time look at putting one of these onto the PWM output, this would allow me to dim the LED strips or internal lights. I'm not certain I'll get time to play with this as the whole thing needs pulling together now.