Parts ordering
Parts ordering

I've ordered a "spare" Netduino, in case I have any catastrophes on the MakerFaire day or leading up to it. I don't want to have to panic about not having a brain to my project if I blow one up by accident...

Thermal Printer ordered
The Netduino uses 3.3V to communicate with the label printer it is going to have to use an interface called RS232. RS232 requires -ve and +ve 5V.
Hence we need to use a MAX3222 chip to convert between them for us. The chip just needs a few capacitors to allow its internal power supply to create the required voltages for RS232. Neat trick. :)

The hole punches that will be used by the visitors to punch holes in the cards arrived today. They make nice round holes and gather the paper bits which is vital to not making a mess.
Now on order

This site offers different types of acrylic, somewhere I may be able to get transparent acrylic from for the mechanical design to allow full visibility...?
I'll have a look at what they offer in terms of cutting too.