Printing from Netduino
Printing from Netduino to serial port thermal printer
Yay! - Finally managed to transmit a label to the label printer from the Netduino.
I've been set back for a day by the serial communications not working. It turns out that electrical noise was causing havoc with the MAX232 TTL-RS232 board. It was originating from my Netbook power supply that I had plugged into the Netduino via USB for debugging.
Reading some posts online, it looks like I need to put a power supply filter on the Netduino board power supply before using it. For now running from laptop battery will suffice.
Thinking about labels, I'm going to put the label formats as text files onto an SD card in the Netduino, to save space and make it easy to edit them on the PC. I'm still worrying about how many labels will be required over the two days. I'm wondering. I don't want to buy anymore unless I've evidence I've not enough. However thought I could put a print counter on the SD card too, so I can keep track of how my label stock is doing during the weekend, and allow me to start using plain labels should I need to.
Basically I know how many labels I have after subtracting the number printed, which will be tracked by the SD card. Simple.